BA Flex Business Analytics (BABA)
BABA 300X | Introduction to Business Analytics Applications | 1 cr
Introduces statistical techniques using spreadsheets to business applications in different functional areas.
Prerequisites: BAMA 300X; admission to the Flexible Option Program and consent of program representative.
BABA 301X | Visualization Tools for Data Analytics | 3 cr
Explores techniques for visualizing and analyzing business data.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Flexible Option Program and consent of program representative.
BABA 302X | R Fundamentals for Business Analytics | 2 cr
Introduces the use of R as a statistical and visualization tool.
Prerequisites: BAMA 300X; admission to the Flexible Option Program and consent of program representative.
BABA 303X | AI and Machine Learning Business Applications using R | 1 cr
Introduces applications of R for machine learning and AI involving business data.
Prerequisites: BABA 302X; admission to the Flexible Option Program and consent of program representative.
BABA 304X | Python Fundamentals for Data Analytics and Machine Learning | 2 cr
Explores use of Python as a statistical tool for analyzing business data.
Prerequisites: BAMA 300X; admission to the Flexible Option Program and consent of program representative.
BABA 305X | Data Analytics Applications in Marketing and Sales | 1 cr
Explores applying data analytics tools to marketing.
BABA 306X | Data Analytics Applications in Human Resources and Strategic Management | 1 cr
Provides opportunity to apply data analytics tools to human resource management and strategic management.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Flexible Option Program and consent of program representative.
BABA 307X | Data Analytics Applications in Operations and Supply Chain | 1 cr
Provides opportunity to apply data analytics tools for analyzing operations and supply chains.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Flexible Option Program and/or consent of program representative.
BABA 308X | Data Analytics Applications in Accounting | 1 cr
Covers the use of accounting data and analytics tools through financial statement analysis and anomaly detection in business transactions.
Prerequisites: BABA 301X, 303X; admission to the Flexible Option Program and consent of program representative.
Offered: Yearly.