Kinesiology & Sport Performance (KSP)
KSP 100 | Introduction to Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 1 cr
Provides an overview of potential careers and professional aspects in the field of kinesiology and sport performance. Introduces key concepts concerning the anatomical, mechanical, physiological, neural, and psychological bases of human movement. Explores skills and abilities needed to successfully obtain and retain a position within kinesiology.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 110 | Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology | 5 cr
Covers essential structures and functioning of the cells, organs, and systems of the human body. Requires lab.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 190 | Special Topics in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 3 cr
Examines selected topics in kinesiology and sport performance.
Prerequisites: Varies by topic.
Offered: Occasionally.
KSP 205 | Social and Philosophical Issues in Kinesiology | 3 cr
Introduces the student to the study of physical activity, physical education, sport, and athletics in historical and contemporary society. Emphasizes the justification for school-based physical education; consequent mission of physical education; and problems and challenges associated with physical education teaching programs. Explores philosophic questions regarding the nature of the human being, ethics, and meaning derived from physical activity, physical education, and sport participation.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 290 | Special Topics in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 1-3 cr
Examines topics in kinesiology and sport performance. May be repeated for credit with different topic.
Prerequisites: Varies by topic.
Offered: Occasionally.
KSP 295 | Practicum in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 2 cr
Provides opportunity for students to apply current knowledge, theories, skills and research to the kinesiology and sport performance industry. Community-based learning designation.
Offered: Yearly.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
KSP 300 | Advanced Sport and Exercise Nutrition | 3 cr
Reviews macronutrients, micronutrients, water, the digestive process, and balanced nutrition for basic human physiological needs. Applies evidence-based nutrition strategies and recommendations to athletes of varying sports to maximize sport performance.
Prerequisites: HLTH 280.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 306 | Motor Learning and Development | 3 cr
Explores issues pertinent to the analysis, teaching, and learning of motor skills. Emphasizes identifying qualities of the individual learner/performer in relation to environmental factors and teacher behaviors that influence the skill acquisition process. Examines the development of motor skills through our lifespan.
Prerequisites: At least sophomore standing.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 310 | Measurement and Evaluation in Sport and Exercise | 3 cr
Examines the concepts of measurement and evaluation. Covers setting up and administration of assessments, data collection, data analysis and reporting, and applications relevant to assessment in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains in sport and exercise. Two hours lecture, required lab.
Prerequisites: Completion of computational skills requirement.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 320 | Sport and Exercise Psychology | 3 cr
Presents a theoretical overview of principles of sports, exercise, and rehabilitation psychology. Includes practical intervention skills,applicable in a wide variety of occupational situations.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
KSP 325 | Exercise Leadership and Management | 3 cr
Explores theory and practice for leading and managing kinesiology programs. Covers planning and developing exercise leadership skills, facility oversight, programming, personnel issues, marketing, and evaluation aspects. Community-based learning designation.
Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing; declared KSP or AHS major.
Offered: Yearly.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
KSP 330 | Sport and Exercise Biomechanics | 4 cr
Examines human movement from anatomical and mechanical perspectives. Includes fundamental biomechanical concepts, terminology, principles, and their application as they relate to sport and exercise. Three-hour lecture; required lab session.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
KSP 340 | Sport and Exercise Physiology | 4 cr
Explores the physiological changes of the human body during and after exercise, and their implications for human performance. Three-hour lecture; required lab session.
Prerequisites: KSP 110 or BIOS 105 and BIOS 106 or BIOS 300 and BIOS 341; and completion of computational skills requirement.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
KSP 345 | Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries | 3 cr
Addresses athlete health, injury prevention techniques, and injury management by introducing knowledge and skills to help provide a safe environment for athletes while practicing, competing, and recovering from injury. Incorporates CPR/AED certification component.
Prerequisites: HLTH 250.
Offered: Occasionally.
KSP 350 | Research Methods in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 3 cr
Addresses the major aspects of performing research in the broad area of exercise science. Includes the scientific method, statistical analysis, research design, types of research and the publication process.
Offered: Spring.
KSP 390 | Special Topics in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 1-3 cr
Examines topics in kinesiology and sport performance.
Prerequisites: Varies by topic.
Offered: Occasionally.
KSP 410 | Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription | 3 cr
Provides the knowledge and skills to assess, analyze, and prescribe appropriate fitness and health behavior programs for a diverse population. Focuses on standards set forth by the American College of Sport Medicine. Community-based learning designation.
Offered: Yearly.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
KSP 415 | Scientific Principles of Human Performance | 4 cr
Examines theoretical and applied aspects of human performance including physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, psychology, and training adaptions. Covers exercise technique, flexibility development, testing, resistance training program design, skill acquisition, periodization, plyometrics, aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, and facilities and risk management. Lab required.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 420 | Advanced Sport Conditioning Techniques | 3 cr
Examines principles underlying effective exercise and sport conditioning techniques.
Prerequisites: KSP 415.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 425 | Program Design for Athletic Development and Training | 3 cr
Provides opportunity to design and monitor training programs. Examines the principles underlying effective program design.
Prerequisites: KSP 415.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 426 | Functional Anatomy for Human Performance | 3 cr
Explores the integration of the nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems with regard to applications in sport, exercise, and kinesiology.
Prerequisites: Junior/senior standing; accepted KSP major.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 435 | Kinesiology and Sport for Special Populations | 3 cr
Presents guidelines for prescribing exercise for special populations including people with disabilities and chronic diseases.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 480 | Senior Seminar in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 1 cr
Provides opportunity to examine and apply the concepts, skills, and issues of the profession and discipline of kinesiology and sport performance.
Prerequisites: Senior standing; accepted KSP major with a minimum GPA of 2.67 in major.
Offered: Yearly.
KSP 490 | Special Topics in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 1-3 cr
Examines selected topics in kinesiology and sport performance.
Prerequisites: Varies by topic.
Offered: Occasionally.
KSP 494 | Internship | 1-3 cr
Provides opportunity for practical application of the methods and techniques in various kinesology fields under guidance of an appropriate faculty member. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
Prerequisites: Consent instructor and department chair.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
KSP 498 | Fieldwork in Kinesiology and Sport Performance | 1-3 cr
Provides opportunity for a supervised field-based experience. Requires placement approval by KSP faculty member. Must be completed in student's last year of course work.
Prerequisites: Accepted KSP major with a minimum major GPA of 2.67.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
KSP 499 | Independent Study | 1-5 cr
Provides opportunity to conduct independent work under KSP faculty supervision.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and department chair.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.