Music Education (MUSE)
MUSE 300 | Music Teaching and Learning | 3 cr
Examines the foundations of music pedagogy, including historical and philosophical foundations and curricular approaches used in music teaching and learning. Includes field-based observational experiences in diverse classroom and community music settings. Requires supervised and evaluated field experience. Community-based learning designation.
Prerequisites: Music major or minor; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Yearly.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
MUSE 302 | General Music Methods I: Elementary | 3 cr
Prepares students to teach general music to young children. Equips students with the competencies to plan, create, implement, and evaluate a general music curriculum. Reviews current trends, materials, methods, and approaches. Prerequisites; MUSI 121, MUSP 150; or consent of the instructor.
Offered: Fall.
MUSE 303 | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning | 2 cr
Explores the integration of music, visual art, drama, and movement with elementary and middle school curricula. Includes methods of instruction such as modeling and demonstration, group discussions, small group projects, critiques, and development of lesson plans that integrate the arts into the curricula.
Prerequisites: MUSE 300 or any EDU course; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Yearly.
MUSE 304 | General Music Methods II: Secondary | 3 cr
Prepares students to teach general music to middle/high school students. Equips students with the competencies to plan, create, implement, and evaluate a general music curriculum. Reviews current trends, materials, methods, and approaches.
Offered: Fall.
MUSE 411 | Methods of Elementary and Middle School Choral Music | 3 cr
Focuses on developing the knowledge, performances, and dispositions required in choral music educators in elementary and middle school settings. Includes administration, curriculum development, literature selection, instructional planning, and teaching strategies. Requires supervised and evaluated field experience.
Prerequisites: MUSI 321 or consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall.
MUSE 413 | Methods of Teaching Secondary Choral Music | 3 cr
Prepares students to plan, organize, administer, and teach choral music in secondary music programs. Includes examination of materials, literature, and resources for secondary vocal music instruction. Requires supervised and evaluated field experience.
Prerequisites: MUSI 321 or consent of instructor.
Offered: Spring.
MUSE 414 | Methods of Elementary and Middle School Instrumental Music | 3 cr
Prepares students to plan, organize, administer, and teach instrumental music in primary music programs. Students participate in a variety of field observations of music programs, rehearsals, and performances. Requires supervised and evaluated field experience.
Prerequisites: MUSI 321 or consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall.
MUSE 416 | Methods of Teaching Secondary Instrumental Music | 3 cr
Prepares students to plan, organize, administer, and teach instrumental music in the secondary school music program. Requires participation in a variety of field observations of school music programs, rehearsals, and performances. Includes planning for and implementing ensemble warm-ups, leading sectional rehearsals, and working with selected students on solo or ensemble repertoire. Requires supervised and evaluated field experience.
Prerequisites: MUSI 321 or consent of the instructor.
Offered: Spring.