Music Performance (MUSP)
MUSP 1 | Concert Attendance | 0 cr
Attendance of music programs selected from an approved concert calendar for the purpose of broadening the student's musical experience.
Prerequisites: Music major or minor.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 102 | Large Music Ensemble | 1 cr
Study and performance of music in the genres and historical styles appropriate to a variety of choral and instrumental ensembles. University Chorale, Master Singers, Jazz Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, Community Band, Parkside Symphony and Community Orchestra are offered every semester. Occasional extra rehearsals. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
Meets: Humanities and the Arts: MUS, Humanities and the Arts: MUS, Humanities and the Arts: MUS, Humanities and the Arts: MUS, Humanities and the Arts: MUS
MUSP 135 | Aural Music Theory I | 1 cr
Sight singing and aural recognition of the elements of tonal music including intervals, harmony, melody, rhythm and tonality. Lab fee.
Prerequisites: Music major, minor, concurrent registration in MUSI 120; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall.
MUSP 136 | Aural Music Theory II | 1 cr
Continuation of Aural Music Theory I with an emphasis on aural recognition of the elements of 18th-century music. Lab fee.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 150 | Class Piano I | 2 cr
Basic piano literature, development of keyboard sight reading, harmonization, transposition and improvisation. Lab fee.
Prerequisites: Music major, minor; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall.
MUSP 151 | Class Piano II | 2 cr
Prerequisites: Music major or minor and MUSP 150 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 223 | Fundamentals of Improvisation | 1 cr
Explores scales, modes and associated chords used in jazz improvisation. Includes methods of applied, aural and written study.
Prerequisites: MUSI 120 or consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 224 | Jazz Improvisation I | 1 cr
Provides opportunity for improvisation in a small-group setting playing major and minor blues and basic jazz tunes including introductions and endings.
Prerequisites: MUSI 120, or consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall.
MUSP 236 | Aural Music Theory III | 1 cr
Continuation of Aural Music Theory II with an emphasis on aural recognition of the elements of early 19th-century music, and coordination of gestural conducting elements. Lab fee.
Offered: Fall.
MUSP 240 | Sound Production I | 2 cr
Explores basics of sound production including recording, engineering, and production.
Prerequisites: Declared major in one of the following areas: music, art, theatre arts, communication or English.
Offered: Yearly.
MUSP 250 | Class Piano III For Music Educators | 2 cr
Playing of three-part scores, vocal and instrumental accompaniments, chorales, more difficult transposition and harmonization; use of pedals. Lab fee
Prerequisites: MUSP 151 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall.
MUSP 251 | Class Piano IV For Choral Education | 1 cr
Playing of four-part vocal scores, orchestral scores, harmonization with secondary dominants, more complex progression, modulation, transportation, more difficult piano technique, accompaniments and literature. Lab fee,
Prerequisites: MUSP 250 with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 253 | Jazz Piano | 1 cr
Students develop specific chord techniques on the piano that enhance the playing of their primary instruments, enable students to more fully understand the harmonies found in jazz repertoire, reinforce their knowledge of music theory, and provide teaching tools for future jazz educators. Lab fee.
Prerequisites: Music major or minor, MUSP 151 with C or better, consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 271 | Instrumental Techniques and Pedagogy-Brass | 1 cr
Covers theory and practice of playing individual instruments. Includes examination of method books, solo literature, and ensemble repertoire.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MUSA secondary applied 100 level, or consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 273 | Instrumental Techniques and Pedagogy-Percussion | 1 cr
Covers theory and practice of playing individual instruments. Includes examination of method books, solo literature, and ensemble repertoire.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MUSA secondary applied 100 level, or consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 274 | Instrumental Techniques and Pedagogy-Strings | 1 cr
Covers theory and practice of playing individual instruments. Includes examination of method books, solo literature, and ensemble repertoire.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MUSA secondary applied 100 level, or consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 275 | Instrumental Techniques and Pedagogy-Woodwinds | 1 cr
Covers theory and practice of playing individual instruments. Includes examination of method books, solo literature, and ensemble repertoire. Lab fee.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MUSA secondary applied 100 level, or consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 276 | Instrumental Techniques and Pedagogy-Guitar | 1 cr
Covers theory and practice of playing individual instruments. Includes examination of method books, solo literature, and ensemble repertoire. . Lab fee.
Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in MUSA secondary applied 100 level, or consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 277 | Vocal Techniques | 1 cr
Covers theory and practice of the elements of singing. Includes examination of method books, solo literature, and ensemble repertoire.
Prerequisites: Music major or minor; or consent of instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 323 | Jazz Improvisation II | 1 cr
Improvisation in a small group setting utilizing tunes based on II-V chord progressions with appropriate scale choices.
Prerequisites: MUSP 224.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 324 | Jazz Improvisation III | 2 cr
Provides opportunity for improvisation in a small group setting using tunes with advanced II-V and chromatic progressions with faster tempos.
Prerequisites: MUSP 323.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 336 | Aural Music Theory IV | 1 cr
Advanced sight singing and aural recognition of the elements of 19th- and 20th-century music, and coordination of gestural conducting elements. Lab fee.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 340 | Sound Production II | 3 cr
Explores advanced techniques of sound production including recording, engineering and production.
Prerequisites: MUSP 240; declared major in one of the following areas: music, art, theatre arts, communication or English.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 342 | Conducting | 2 cr
The development of basic manual technique for conducting: beat patterns, expressive gestures, cueing, rehearsal techniques.
Prerequisites: MUSI 221.
Offered: Fall.
MUSP 345 | Instrumental Conducting and Arranging | 3 cr
Covers techniques of instrumental conducting and arranging, including baton technique, score reading and preparation, notational standards, and rehearsal techniques.
Prerequisites: MUSP 342.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 346 | Choral Conducting and Arranging | 3 cr
Covers choral conducting techniques, including score study and preparation, refinement of oral technique, rehearsal techniques, and basics of choral arranging. Requires supervised and evaluated field experience.
Prerequisites: MUSP 342.
Offered: Spring.
MUSP 350 | Sound Design | 3 cr
Explores the practices and art of sound design across multiple industries and media, including music, theatre, film, podcasting, and others. Covers the design and implementation of sonic art as a way to reinforce narrative and storytelling.
Prerequisites: MUSP 240.
Offered: Fall.
MUSP 353 | Advanced Keyboard Accompanying and Chamber Music Performance | 1 cr
Provides opportunity for vocal and instrumental music for performance including the study of accompanying technique, balance, instrumental color, vocal texts, articulation, style and pedaling. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: MUSP 153.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 360 | Voices of Parkside | 1 cr
Provides opportunity for in-depth study, intensive preparation, and refined performance of a wide range of challenging art, folk and popular literature appropriate for chamber choral ensemble. Requires additional rehearsals, frequent performances, and tours. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 361 | Chamber Music: Brass Ensemble | 1 cr
Study and performance of literature for small ensembles. Open to all students. May repeat for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 362 | Chamber Music: Classical Guitar Ensemble | 1 cr
Study and performance of literature for small ensembles. Open to all students. May repeat for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 363 | Chamber Music: Woodwind Ensemble | 1 cr
Study and performance of literature for small ensembles. Open to all students. May repeat for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 364 | Chamber Music: Percussion Ensemble | 1 cr
Study and performance of literature for small ensembles. Open to all students. May repeat for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 365 | Chamber Music: String Ensemble | 1 cr
Study and performance of literature for small ensembles. Open to all students. May repeat for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 366 | Jazz Combo | 1 cr
Study and performance of appropriate literature for small jazz ensembles. Open to all students. May repeat for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 367 | Vocal Jazz Ensemble | 1 cr
Provides opportunity for study and performance of vocal jazz literature in a small ensemble. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition and concurrent enrollment in MUSP 102 (Chorale, Master Singers) or MUSP 360 (Voices of Parkside).
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 368 | Contemporary A Cappella Ensemble | 1 cr
Provides opportunity to perform contemporary commercial music. Requires students to arrange popular songs and demonstrate above average skills in singing various genres, sight-reading, harmonizing, as well as an understanding of diatonic harmonic analysis. Requires travel to off campus performances. May be repeated for credit. Course fee.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSP 369 | Contemporary Commercial Music Ensmble | 1 cr
Provides opportunity to perform popular styles of music from the 20th and 21st Century. Requires travel for performances. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 390 | Choral Special Project and Study | 1-5 cr
Engagement in special, one-time choral music projects, such as recordings, major literature preparations, choral education workshops, and domestic and/or international travel. Involves in-depth study, preparation, and participation. Additional fees may apply.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 487 | Musical Theatre Workshop | 1-3 cr
Study, research, preparation and performance of scenes, songs, and dances from musical theatre. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Occasionally.
MUSP 488 | Opera Theatre Workshop | 1-3 cr
Provides opportunity to perform opera/operetta roles/ensemble in scenes or a complete work, includes behind the scenes opportunities in stage management, stage direction, production crew, or costumes/make-up. May be repeated for credit. Requires field trips and fees.
Prerequisites: Audition.
Offered: Occasionally.