Sociology (SOCA)
SOCA 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 cr
Examines social relations, social organization, and social systems through the study of process, structure, and function.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA
SOCA 107 | Diversity Circles | 1 cr
Small group dialogues that help students become aware of their own biases as well as understand the impact of racism in schools, communities and society. May be taken more than once for credit with different topic.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 190 | Special Topics in Sociology | 1-3 cr
Examines selected topics in sociology and/or anthropology.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SOCA 206 | Race and Ethnic Relations in the U.S. | 3 cr
Introduces the formation and dynamics of ethnic and race relations in the United States and their social consequences in terms of marginalizing people and the unfair distribution of their life chances. Fulfills Ethnic Diversity Requirement. Cross-listed with: ETHN 206.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Ethnic Diversity, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Ethnic Diversity, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Ethnic Diversity, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Ethnic Diversity, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Ethnic Diversity
SOCA 207 | Marriage and Family | 3 cr
Surveys nature and functions of the family; cross cultural and/or life course comparisons of marriage and family arrangements; gender role training; premarital and marital social and sexual activities, power dynamics, and other family processes.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA
SOCA 213 | Gender and Society | 3 cr
Explores theory and research on gender roles and gender stratification, focusing on political, economic, family and other settings. Includes historical, cross cultural and subcultural comparisons. Cross-listed with: WGSS 213.
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SOCA 216 | Social Issues in Substance Use and Abuse | 3 cr
Explores theory and research on substance abuse including legal (alcohol, tobacco) and controlled substances. Focuses on differences in patterns of chemical use within historical, cultural and class contexts. Includes a community project and provides CBL credit.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Fall.
Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Community Based Learning, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Community Based Learning, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Community Based Learning, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Community Based Learning, Social & Behavioral Science: SOCA, Community Based Learning
SOCA 227 | North American Indians | 3 cr
Surveys American Indian peoples of the United States and Canada focusing on various aspects of culture, history and recent culture change. Cross-listed with: ANTH 227.
Offered: Fall (even years).
Meets: Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity
SOCA 233 | Criminology | 3 cr
Examines past and current theory and research including crime as a consequence of social, economic, political, and personal factors. Includes critique of approaches to prevention and correction.
Cross-listed with: CRMJ 233.
Offered: Fall.
SOCA 234 | Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice | 3 cr
Covers conceptions of juvenile delinquency; the offender in the juvenile justice system; the philosophy, structure and function of juvenile courts; the philosophy, development, and organization of diversion, detention and treatment of the juvenile offender. Cross-listed with: CRMJ 234.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 235 | Police and Society | 3 cr
Studies the various levels, roles and functions of law enforcement in America; evaluates the nature and responsibilities of law enforcement including police accountability and civil liability. Examines the racial, ethnic, and gender issues in law enforcement. Cross-listed with: CRMJ 235.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 248 | Report Writing for the Social Sciences | 3 cr
Covers research report writing with the ability to demonstrate an understanding for the relationship among argument, evidence, conclusion, concepts, methods, and theoretical orientations in sociology. Focuses on understanding the format of research papers and improving writing ability. Community-based learning designation.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
SOCA 250 | Statistics for the Social Sciences | 4 cr
Introduces descriptive and inferential statistics as applied to measurements of behavior. Focuses on statistical computation, analysis, and interpretation of data using scientific calculator and SPSS statistical software. Examines quantitative solutions and computer output that can be applied in business and social service settings.
Offered: Fall.
SOCA 290 | Special Topics in Sociology | 1-3 cr
Examines selected topics in sociology.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 295 | Social Science Research Methods | 3 cr
Introduces philosophies, methods and problems of social research; sampling and data collection techniques; questionnaire construction, interviewing techniques, field methods, and content analysis.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 300 | Topics in Data Collection and Analysis | 1-3 cr
Develops skills in specific methods of data collection and analysis in sociology. Topics will vary. May be repeated with a different topic.
Prerequisites: SOCA 295.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SOCA 301 | Sociological Theory | 3 cr
Explores major sociological concepts and theories, and their application in the analysis of social structures and processes.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 303 | Program Evaluation | 3 cr
Applies theory and methods of program evaluation including measuring and evaluating program outcomes; analyzing community needs; and assessing program impacts. Community-based learning designation.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Yearly.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
SOCA 304 | Skill Development in Leadership | 1 cr
Provides training in an aspect of grass-roots leadership, focusing on sociological perspectives. Includes grant writing, team building, and working with media, emphasizing different areas in different semesters. May be repeated for credit.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 305 | Family Violence | 3 cr
Examines the criminal justice response to family violence, including child abuse, spousal abuse, elder abuse, and date rape. Explores prevalence and extent of family violence as well as strategies for treatment and prevention. Cross-listed with: CRMJ 305.
Offered: Fall.
SOCA 306 | Research in Community Needs | 3 cr
Explores assessment of the needs of a community or environment using the methods of evaluation research. Community-based learning designation.
Offered: Occasionally.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
SOCA 307 | Survey Methods | 3 cr
Explores survey research including data collection and data analysis. Multi-career cross-listing: MAPS 507.
Prerequisites: SOCA 295.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 319 | Death and Dying | 3 cr
Investigates patterns of behavior and beliefs about death, dying, and bereavement from a sociological perspective. Examines medical, legal, and ethical issues.
Offered: Spring.
SOCA 320 | Sociological Social Psychology | 3 cr
Examines the role of larger society in constructing and defining our day-to-day interactions and the relationship between group structures and processes, particularly issues of social inequality.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101 and three additional credits in sociology.
Offered: Fall (even years).
SOCA 321 | Religion and Society | 3 cr
Provides comparative study of religion and society with an emphasis on the major religious traditions. Examines the relationship between religions, beliefs and social values.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 322 | Sociology of Language and Knowledge | 3 cr
Introduces the concepts, theoretical frameworks and concerns of sociological linguistics, emphasizing ethnomethodology, language planning, and cultural politics affecting linguistic minorities.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 323 | Institutional Racism in America | 3 cr
Examines racism within various institutions such as public government bodies, private business, and universities. Outlines political, social, ecological, and economic effects of racism. Fulfills Ethnic Diversity Requirement. Multi-career cross-listing: MAPS 523.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
Meets: Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity
SOCA 324 | African-American Studies | 3 cr
Examines the experiences of African Americans, both current and historical, using a variety of theoretical models and perspectives. Includes macro-level contexts of those experiences. Fulfills Ethnic Diversity Requirement.
Offered: Occasionally.
Meets: Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity
SOCA 326 | Social Gerontology | 3 cr
Examines the quality of life issues among elderly; focuses on medical, social, educational, recreational and economic institutions.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101; junior standing.
Offered: Fall.
SOCA 328 | Asians in American Society | 3 cr
Examines the culture, social, political, historical, and economic experiences of Asians in America. Covers Asian Americans as perpetual foreigners, racism, immigration, citizenship, language, education and job opportunities. Fulfills Ethnic Diversity Requirement.
Offered: Fall.
Meets: Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity
SOCA 329 | Social Institutions in Contemporary China | 3 cr
Introduces the social institutions and changes in contemporary China. Covers population, family, education, economy and politics.
Offered: Fall (odd years).
SOCA 331 | Deviant Behavior | 3 cr
Elucidates theoretical perspectives on deviant behavior and traces the development of how deviance is defined, explained and controlled.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101; junior standing.
Offered: Fall (odd years).
SOCA 332 | Sociology of Mental Illness | 3 cr
Examines mental illness as a social role/social label is examined in terms of institutional and sociocultural factors.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101; junior standing.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 336 | Childhood and Society | 3 cr
Examines childhood as a socially constructed idea with profound effect on our lives and our communities; changing images, definitions, agreements, and rules about childhood; the social structures incorporating childhood; and the relationship of childhood to power distributions and economic inequalities. Community-based learning designation.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Spring.
Meets: Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning, Community Based Learning
SOCA 343 | Latinas/os in U.S. | 3 cr
Focuses on the social, political, and cultural dynamics of the Latina/o experience in the U.S. including racial/ethnic identity, racism, economy, immigration, colonialism. Fulfills Ethnic Diversity Requirement. Cross-listed with: ETHN 343.
Offered: Fall.
Meets: Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity
SOCA 354 | Class, Status and Power | 3 cr
Examines patterns of inequities and their relationship to social conflict, social organization, belief systems, race/ethnic identities, gender roles, and global systems of wealth and power.
Offered: Spring.
SOCA 355 | Urbanism and Urbanization | 3 cr
Examines the effects of major historical. economic, political, and architectural trends on class composition of cities.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 356 | Political Sociology | 3 cr
Examines the relationship between politics and the larger social structure, such as structure of power in the United States and the economy; political consciousness and the debate on the changing nature of industrial societies. Cross-listed with: POLS 356.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 358 | Introduction to Population Studies | 3 cr
Elucidates population size, composition and processes of migration, including social and economic determinants of demographic changes and their effects on social organization.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101; junior standing.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 359 | Law and Society | 3 cr
Explores selected legal rules, principles, and institutions from a sociological perspective, including influence of culture and social organization on law; role of law in social change; social aspects of the administration of justice; and social knowledge and law. Cross-listed with: CRMJ 359.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 360 | Critical Ethnic Studies | 3 cr
Examines social conditions under which ethnic groups are labeled as "races" in the United States and in selected other societies, focusing on perceptions of whiteness and hybridity and their social consequences. Cross-listed with: ETHN 360.
Offered: Occasionally.
Meets: Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity, Ethnic Diversity
SOCA 362 | Migration and Immigration | 3 cr
Examines migration and immigration as major processes of change in the United States and internationally, focusing on migrant communities, social networks, and work activities. Cross-listed with: ANTH 362.
Offered: Spring (even years).
SOCA 363 | Corrections | 3 cr
Analyzes the organization of correctional agencies and the role of corrections in the criminal justice system. Includes review of theories, practices, systems, and treatment methods. Cross-listed with: CRMJ 363.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 365 | Race, Crime, Law | 3 cr
Explores the intersections of race, crime and law in terms of the historical context, the present day situation and future directions. Focuses on multiple perspectives from offender to victim to criminal justice practitioner. Community-based learning designation. Cross-listed with: CRMJ 365.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
Meets: Ethnic Diversity, Community Based Learning, Ethnic Diversity, Community Based Learning, Ethnic Diversity, Community Based Learning, Ethnic Diversity, Community Based Learning, Ethnic Diversity, Community Based Learning
SOCA 367 | LGBTQ Studies | 3 cr
Examines the everyday lives of people in the LGBTQ community as they participate in identity politics, collective action, resistance, and empowerment in a heteronormative society. Cross-listed with: WGSS 367.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 368 | Victimology | 3 cr
Examines the causes and consequences of crime victimization including the history and recent re-emergence of the study of the victim and types and circumstances of criminal victimization. Addresses victims' rights and the victims' rights movement. Cross-listed with: CRMJ 368.
Offered: Spring.
SOCA 372 | Technology and Society | 3 cr
Examines technology and technological change from perspective of interactions between technology and social organization. Discusses the causes and effects of technological change through critical, structural, contextual, and inter-actionist approaches.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 373 | Formal Organization | 3 cr
Examines fundamental issues concerning social organization, including theories and research methods for analyzing organizations; individuals and groups in organizations; organizational structure; communication, leadership and decision-making; and organizational change, and effectiveness.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101; junior standing.
Offered: Fall.
SOCA 374 | Women and Work | 3 cr
Examines the position of women in the work world including the importance of gender in determining definitions and valuations of work. Considers the context of women globally and historically.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 375 | Sociology of Education | 3 cr
Analyzes education as an institution that influences and is influenced by society. Reviews the functions of education, how social conflict shapes schools, and the connections between education and social inequality.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 376 | Public Health | 3 cr
Investigates the health status of populations and the social, political, economic, and environmental factors that influence health, disease, and illness in populations. Focuses on historical patterns, current challenges, and alternatives for future change.
Offered: Spring.
SOCA 379 | Society and Environment | 3 cr
Examines environmental philosophies, movements, attitudes, and issues from a sociological perspective. Considers a diverse, multicultural array of approaches.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 380 | Social Welfare as a Social Institution | 3 cr
Delves into American social work, emphasizing recent changes in organization and methods. Includes issues of subcultures and minorities in social welfare institutions.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 390 | Special Topics in Sociology | 1-3 cr
Examines selected topics in sociology.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 406 | Advanced Program Evaluation | 3 cr
Examines the role of research in program planning and implementation. Includes application in a community-based learning project. Multi-career cross-listing: MAPS 606.
Offered: Spring.
SOCA 455 | International Development and Change | 3 cr
Analyzes comparative social change and international development, focusing on theories of change, the role of development agencies, and case studies of development projects. Cross-listed with: ANTH 455.
Prerequisites: 6 credits of upper-level anthropology or sociology courses.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 490 | Special Topics in Sociology | 1-3 cr
Examines selected topics in sociology.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101; Junior standing.
Offered: Occasionally.
SOCA 492 | Internship in Sociology | 1-4 cr
Provides opportunity for community work experience with emphasis on job preparation skills, i.e., resume writing, networking, interviewing.
Prerequisites: SOCA 101; junior standing; consent of instructor and department chair.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SOCA 494 | Field Experience in Sociology | 3 cr
Empirical investigation of an approved topic under the guidance of a sociology professor.
Prerequisites: SOCA 100 or SOCA 101 and junior standing and consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
SOCA 495 | Senior Seminar | 3 cr
Provides capstone experience for majors, including reflection on competencies gained from the major, how they relate to experiences after graduation, and work on a research project that allows application of skills and competencies learned.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 498 | Portfolio | 1 cr
Instructs students in developing a portfolio to document their achievements. Makes explicit their personal and career abilities and goals through completing a resume and through documentation of their attainment of program competencies in their coursework.
Prerequisites: Senior standing or consent of instructor.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
SOCA 499 | Independent Study | 1-4 cr
Provides opportunity for independent work on specific problems in sociology under faculty supervision.
Prerequisites: Sociology major, junior standing; consent of instructor and department chair.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Winterim.